Highest Quality Residential
China Proxy
Access A Reliable Network Of Chinese Proxies
Easily access local data and automate your actions on the web. Connect to 458,365 residential IPs all around China with IPBurger.
- 75M Residential Proxies worldwide
- Up to 30 min. sticky sessions
- 99.99% uptime
Do you need residential IP addresses in China?
Yes, absolutely! Especially if you want to verify ads in China, manage social media accounts in China, participate in China’s massive sneaker resale market, scrape Chinese websites for business data, or simply bypass geo-restrictions in China.
What are China Residential Proxies?
Simply put, a residential proxy in China is an IP address of an actual user device from a city in China. You can route your internet connection through these proxies to appear to be operating from a local Chinese city.
Verify Ads in China
The ads target local Chinese IP addresses if you’re running ads through China’s Google and Bing like Baidu or Sogou. So if you’re checking ads from your home in the US or UK, there’s no way for you to verify them properly.
You could hire a resident in China to verify ads for you, but it’s much easier and affordable to do it yourself using a residential proxy from China.
Even if you operate in China, you need to use proxies from different cities your ads are targeting — like Shanghai or Beijing.
Additionally, drawing from a pool of residential China proxies allows you to rotate IPs within each major Chinese city.
Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts in China
China’s regulations on social media tend to be more heavy-handed them anywhere else in the world. If you want to create and manage multiple social media accounts, you need to be careful and protect your identity.
The most effective way to create and manage social media accounts in China is using residential proxies. Every social account you make will appear to have its origin from a unique residential IP address. After creating the account, you can use a Fresh Proxy from China to manage the account long-term.
Web Scraping in China
Harvesting data in China is challenging. First, you need to ensure you’re IP doesn’t get banned. Using rotating residential proxies, you can bypass detection and scrape local websites. If you have competitors in China, you can use China IPs to scrape the data from their ads.
Cop Sneakers from China Retailers
Bypass China Georestrictions
Another common reason to use residential IP addresses in China is to access the vast world of China’s internet. Whether you want to collect data, cop sneakers, set up business operations, or just browse the web from China — residential proxies ensure you a free pass.
Chinese Proxies For Business
We help businesses of all sizes collect and aggregate data from millions of Chinese websites, free from IP bans and technical issues frequently experienced using low-quality proxies.
Try IPBurger’s Dashboard for Free with access to more than 75 Millon proxies worldwide
Top proxy locations
How Residential Proxies Work
Your pc
IPBurger’s proxy server
Changed IP
Unlock super powers for your business
More Features That Set You Up For Success
- Unlimited Concurrent Connections
There’s no limit to the amount of concurrent connections or threads. Now you can scrape or automate anything.
- 75M Residential Proxies
Use unique residential backconnect IP addresses from real mobile and desktop devices in 195 countries across the globe.
- Point and Click Setup
Simplified proxy set up and configuration. Just point and set up in one click. No tech skills required.
Change to a new proxy for each HTTP/HTTPS request and profit from unlimited connections.
- Smart Routing
Smart routing technology automatically disconnects and quickly rotates away from slow connections.
- Immunity From IP Bans
Our Residential proxies share no sub-network, so they are immune to bulk bans. Every residential IP address in our pool is 100% unique.
- Measure & Control
Easily view all of the key metrics you need within one proxy dashboard. Upgrade, downgrade, rotate and copy proxy credentials in seconds.
- Unlimited Static Sessions
Turn any rotating Residential proxy into a static “sticky” IP address for up to 30 minutes.