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US Proxy Server Providers

Ah, proxy servers. You know the drill. You want to get around pesky geo-restrictions, access blocked websites in your region, or maybe just keep your online activities hidden from prying eyes. But who can you trust to provide you with a reliable US proxy server?

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! Read on to find out about the best US proxy server providers and how to choose the right one for you.

What’s a proxy?

A proxy is a server or computer system that acts as an intermediary between two or more other computers or servers. It is used to filter requests, improve performance, and provide anonymity.

Proxies can be used for various purposes, such as web filtering, content filtering, network security, data harvesting, ad checking, social media, eCommerce, and more.

What all can you do with proxies?

Proxies can be used for a variety of tasks, such as: 

  • Bypassing content filters and firewalls. 
  • Changing your IP address to access geo-restricted content. 
  • Sharing an internet connection among multiple users. 
  • Increasing online privacy and security. 
  • Scraping data from websites. 
  • Automating tasks such as web scraping, data harvesting, and online research. 
  • Allowing multiple users to access a single account. 
  • Masking your IP address while torrenting. 
  • Running multiple accounts or bots on social sites.

What types of proxies are there?

  • Static Residential Proxies: Static residential proxies are IP addresses associated with an internet service provider (ISP) and appear to originate from a real residential user. They are often used for hosting websites, eCommerce, social media, sneaker bots, and gaming. Unlike traditional proxies, static residential proxies are more reliable and secure, as they don’t change IP addresses. As such, they are less prone to blocking.
  • Residential Proxies: Residential proxies are proxies that use an IP address that is registered to an individual or business, as opposed to a data center. This makes them more difficult to detect and block and can be used for various purposes. In the context of proxy rotation, residential proxies can be used to rotate IP addresses quickly and efficiently. This is useful for web scraping, as it allows the user to avoid being blocked by rate limits or anti-scraping measures. Also, By using a residential proxy from a specific country or region, the user can view content as if they were physically located in that area. This can be useful for marketing research and for accessing certain services or websites only available in specific regions.
  • Datacenter Proxies: These are proxies that are hosted in data centers and are usually very fast. The major drawback is that they are more prone to blocking, making them less efficient for many tasks.
  • Mobile Proxies: These are proxies that rotate IP addresses based on mobile carrier networks.

Reasons to use US Proxy Server 

Using US proxy servers can help improve security and privacy, get around geo-restrictions, access content that is only available in the US, and speed up downloads. US proxy servers can also help online businesses because they let them access websites only available in the US, keep an eye on web traffic from the US, and use US-based web services.

In summary US proxy servers can help you:

  • To access geographically restricted content: A US proxy server allows users to access websites and other online services limited to certain geographical areas. 
  • To protect your privacy: US proxy servers can help protect your privacy by hiding your IP address from the websites you visit.
  • To bypass censorship: US proxy servers can bypass censorship in certain countries.
  • To improve speed and performance: US proxy servers can help improve the speed and performance of certain websites and online services by caching web pages and other content.
  • To bypass firewalls: US proxy servers can be used to bypass firewalls that are blocking certain websites or services.

Paid vs. Free US Proxy Server Providers 

Us Proxy Server Providers

Free US Proxy Server Providers 

Free US proxy server providers offer free US proxy servers to users in the United States. Most of these proxy servers are in the US, and they let people access content and websites unavailable in their country. Free US proxy server providers often provide users with an anonymous IP address, which allows users to access restricted content without their true IP address being exposed. Free US proxy server providers can be found through various websites, including ProxyScrape.

However, we don’t recommend it. “Of course,” you might say…We have some skin in the game, and talking you out of free proxies is in our best interest.

But it’s also in yours. Free proxies may be one of the most dangerous things you do online. Check our post on the topic, Free Proxies: A Nasty Trick from the Hacker’s Handbook.

Paid US Proxy Server Providers 

Paid US proxy server providers offer premium US proxy servers to users in the United States. Paid US proxy server providers often provide users with an anonymous IP address, which allows users to access restricted content without their true IP address being exposed.

Paid US proxy server providers offer higher-quality servers, faster speeds, and better privacy and security than free US proxy server providers. You also don’t have to worry about someone hacking into your server. But you should still take care when choosing a paid proxy server provider.

There are many cases where proxy server providers have had security breaches, or have even leaked customer data to government agencies. Lucky for you, IPBurger has had no such incidences and no government can put pressure on us to share user info.

Us Proxy Server Providers

Benefits of Using a US Proxy Server 

Security and Anonymity 

When you browse the Internet, using a US proxy server can add another layer of security and privacy. It can help to hide your IP address and location, making it more difficult for online advertisers and hackers to track your activity. It can also help protect your data from being monitored or intercepted by third parties.

Increased Speed

Using a US proxy server can also help to improve your internet speed by routing your traffic through the US. This can help reduce latency and improve download and upload speeds.

Restricted Content Access

Using a US proxy server can help you access content blocked in certain countries. This can include websites, streaming services, and other online resources unavailable in other countries due to regional restrictions.

Considerations When Choosing a US Proxy Server 

Us Proxy Server Providers

Server Location 

When choosing a US proxy server, it is important to consider the location of the server. Proxy servers in the United States will have faster speeds and more reliable connections than in other countries. 

Us Proxy Server Providers


It is important to look at the security features of a US proxy server before choosing it. Make sure the server has a secure connection and encrypts data for transmission. 

Us Proxy Server Providers


Make sure the US proxy server you choose has enough bandwidth for your needs. If you are streaming or downloading large amounts of data, ensure the server can handle the load. 

Us Proxy Server Providers


When choosing a US proxy server, compare prices between different providers. Some providers may offer more features for a higher cost, while others may offer basic services for a lower price.

Connection Speed 

If you want the best browsing experience, choose a proxy server with the fastest connection speeds.

In Summary

From what we’ve looked at so far, we can see that using a US proxy server has a number of pros. These benefits include improved security, faster internet speeds, and access to geo-restricted content. 

Many companies offer US proxy servers, and each one has its own features and services. 

IPBurger’s US Proxy Servers

When choosing a US proxy server, it is important to consider factors such as speed, reliability, and cost to make the best decision for your needs.

Because it has so many reliable features, IPBurger is the best choice for US proxy servers. Its top-notch encryption protocols give users a safe and private connection to US servers. This makes it easy for them to access US-based content on the internet.

IPBurger has a wide range of US proxy servers, making it extremely flexible for users.

Get one (or ten) today!

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